Why are men so #&$#^^*# evil!!
They cheat, leave us and the kids, lie to get in our pants, hell, they lie about almost everything under the sun. And when the bomb drops on us we are left wondering why? what did we do to deserve such deceit, disrespect and hurt?
First of all. It was never you, please know that these men are not men to begin with. But in order to avoid, spot out, or manipulate one of these creatures you must learn how they came to be, who they are and why they are this way.
See how their relationship is with their mother
let me tell you that men's relationship with with women are based 60% on how their relationship was with their mother. Males first interaction with females is through their mother, so if she was a whore, he will think all women are whores. If she abandoned him, treated him like shit, he will never trust woman and think all women are evil. I have always asked men I have dated how was their relationship was with their mother. The one that had the worst relationship with his mom was the most horrible man I had ever met and the one that had a great mother? Well he is in my life now :) believe it or not, men are as sensitive as women its just they deal with it a certain way. When a mother doesn't live up to the job of what a mother should. to a male, that is a betrayal. Like I have said in past posts, men are black and white. So if he sees his mother acting neglectful, whorish, with no integrity. He believes that most women are this way. Or on the other hand, is subconsciously looking for a woman to prove to him otherwise and take the mother role.
Always ask a man how his relationship was with his mother, if he said is was bad. RUN!!! this man is permanently damaged and because if it, he will make EVERY woman in his life pay for the pain and anguish he suffered at the hands of her. Avoid him at all costs!
Their first heartbreak is one that lasts till death :(
Another reason why men are so evil is because they make bad choices. They may have great mothers but if they get their heart broken, which is about 99% of the time. Then they are damaged for a long time, perhaps forever.
The problem with men is that so many of them are so shallow. They want the hottest and prettiest thing out there, not knowing that a girl of this status has the same pull as a man. so when they get her, fall in love with her, find out she cheats. They close their hearts and vow to never love again. In turn breaking every woman's heart that they cross "I'll to it to her before she does it to me" kind of thing. Women need to take more credit for getting over heartbreak. We get hurt, then we will give a guy another chance. But once men get hurt, they have trust and security issues for the rest of their lives. If we could only get to them before the chick with the vid vixen body got to them first! arrrrgh! lol.
They spend their lives putting women through stupid tests to see if we are faithful, and will pick and prod to see if we have a flaw only to exploit it to prove their theory that no woman can be trusted when its really them that have the problem point blank.
Aligned with this insecurity, is their destructive behavior of lieing and cheating. Why do they have so many women??!??! its really not the sex. Its the control. And a pathetic ego boost. To be able to have a multitude of woman at their disposal, makes them feel like they are special. Since their mother may have not. Also. They like the fact that they can get some women, and let go of some. They actually enjoy to hear the anguish of women when they dump them. I had one guy tell me "when you cut them after they did all the freaky shit and cooked and whatever it was you told them you wanted in a girl, to hear them curse and cry at you is a trip, I'm like, wow, she really is going to miss me, ha ha, but I'm already with the new girl" the elation to see someone get upset over them. There is definitely a social deficiency that occurred because of the attention they lacked as a child.
So remember, losing faith in their mothers and their first heartbreaks are at the core of why they are such bastards. And in some cases, they may have the best moms and been in the best relationships in their lives and still turn out to be fuckers! lol. You have to break the chains of men's oppression and be the beater of your own drum. Just be two steps ahead of the game and you will avoid heartache in the end :)
You are so right, my bastard ex was just like that. He had issues with his mother and it ruined our relationship and his relationships before me.