For the single, Valentines day is really to love yourself, family, faith, first!
Valentines day is the day for love and romance, as the holiday dictates, but to me Valentines day should not be all about sharing with your spouse or boyfriend. It should be about celebrating love period! the purest form of love is unconditional love. We are so conditioned to believe that the most important love is when its romantic, if you don't have a man that loves you, then you are a loser. When Valentines day comes may people who do not have the so called love of their lives will feel like they are less than. Or feel that they are not worthy of celebrating the day of love. I say to you that YOU are worthy! for those who have children. If you are a good mother, even some times when you are not, children love you. If you were to lose your looks or your job, your children would still love you. They would be there to cheer you up. Your pets love you when you are in rollers, when you ate one bon bon too many, as long as you give them the love they need, they love you no matter what, your parents and family, are there to pick you up when you are down. This love, This unconditional love is a beautiful love, its pure, there is no need for you to be hot, or great in bed, or self scarificing. All you need is to be you and that is all that matters. And for some of you that have no one that loves you. You need to love yourself. Learn how to love yoursel. You will never be able to love anyone else until you love you. Get a makeover, love your new look. Love how you make the best cheesecake in the world, love how you can play scrabble like nobodies business. And if there is something you dont like, fix it! meditate, pray, excersize to boost your energy and mood. once you love you, everything else falls into place.
If you do not have a romantic love this year, if you have children, spend valentines day with them and tell them how much you love them. If you have somone, cool. make sure they take you out and show you a good time! And if you have no one, spend it with friends and make it a day to love yourself, go to the spa, get that sexy makeover remember, the best and most purest form of love, is love of self!
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