There is more than one way to feel love ;)

As Valentines day nears. There are many single women who have more stress nearing February 14th.  This is because we are conditioned, especially as women to feel less than a woman if we are not in a romantic relationship. We are somehow not special if we are not walking around with flowers in hand with a place to go. We must really look at the big picture when it comes to Valentines Day, it's a well devised marketing tactic and its just another way to generate revenue for the masses.  So we scramble, we date our little  hearts out  hoping that when that day comes we can tell our co-workers, friends and possible frienemies that we are anticipating a night of romance from a man who will validated us. Valentines Day is a statement to others that "I'm wanted!' "I'm attractive!" I'm special see the flowers!!!  what you must know is that you are more than flowers and candy and you are more than one day.

Romantic love is great isnt it?  you feel so warm inside, Your mind is pre-occupied with your lover, your day goes smoother, you have a extra pep in your step. And when it ends. Boy does it! you feel bad, everything gets on your damn nerves and you are stressed wondering when you can feel that again. So with that being said, isn't safe to say that romantic love is not usually constant? its like Chinese food, it fills you up, but after awhile, you are hungry again. Take a step back and look at the big picture as to what love is. Are you being told what love you should long for? or do you know what love you should be seeking?

The truth is that romantic love is fleeting, its shallow,  and its fades. Now don't get me wrong, people stay married for years, yes they can still be in love, but romance? real romance? the type you see in movies? that does not go on for years on end. I have yet to know of ONE couple that still has such romance. Their love changes its not bad, but its more of respect of one another. Kids, bills and life in general give no room for romance, its for young lovers who have time and no bills lol. The thing is that there is a greater love out there for you. A love that will fill you up, make you feel special, wanted and cherished you just have to change your mind and be open to give and receive it. We have been slaves to this thought of romantic love, we have bought books, go on diets just in hopes of getting the man that will give us this romantic love. And the problem is we are crippled by it when it doesn't come along fast enough, and men know the desperation that women want in having this shallow love and they take advantage of it and  we are left empty again.

Do you want to know of this everlasting love? so that when valentines day comes along you will feel this love and be happy? well, you have to cut out all the distractions that are in your way of getting it. I want you to really take time to love  your children. Take them out to somewhere that will make them happy. Look at the looks on their faces when you their smiles. Feel their happiness. Their happiness should make you feel love and for those who do not have children, take time with friends. Have a good ol time cracking up, hanging it all out, and being yourself. Aren't friends great? you do not have to be hot, or famous or the sexiest thing around, you need to just show up, friends are wonderful because they like you for you. Not because of what you can to for them or to them lol. They care because you can just "be" enjoy that fun you have with them. Its a form of love. You are in your best moods with friends and if you are not? then be with friends that will make you feel that way!!!  spend time with pets, see how they live for you. When you are sad, they are sadder, they love to play with you and they make you smile. They are so cute and give you such a good feeling, and you love them so. Isn't it a wonderful feeling? you don't have to be anything but yourself and this love will last till they day they leave you. You are not stressed if they are cheating, or if you are thin, young, hot enough. Take in that love. really pay attention to the way it makes you feel and how happy you feel when you are taking time with friends and pets. And if you have neither and you are alone? volunteer. help people who are less fortunate than you. You will not only help someone in need but feel good that you are doing good in the world. The universe will see that and  you will be blessed promise! take time to pray if you are spiritual, God does listen if you show that you are caring and god will give you love if you give love back to the world. There is love all around you if you look for it.

You have to love yourself more than anything because only then you will be able to love another and not accept ANY type of attention that a man throws towards you. If you love yourself ,  you will not accept a man calling you occasionally, making you wait for him and doing HIS will. Because you love  yourself, you will not allow anyone to love you less!

So if you are alone this Valentines day, take that day to love your kids, your friends and yourself! and if you have someone already, make sure they are giving you the love you REALLY need. Its not about the candy or the flowers, you can always get those yourself, its whats after all of that, the feeling of happiness no matter what!


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