
Showing posts from December, 2012

Resources for a Regulating woman!

As the saying goes, knowledge is power and as the growing sisterhood we are becoming, I would like to share with you things that has helped me along my journey to greatness. We all need tools and encouragement so feel free to take a look, some may not be for you, but I'm sure you will find something to your liking.   Books: Fat, broke and lonely no more by Victoria Moran Really loved this book it was really a good read and one of the best self help books I have ever read. The Rules, By Ellen Fein ans Sherrie Scheider This is the "what mamma used to tell you" type of advice, its ages old and it still works! very great tool for dating The Secret by Rhonda Burne  It is very popular and encouraging to really affirm your dreams   Websites:   really gives tips on how to start conversation. expanding your circle is great. it not only gives you op...

The procrastination monster, the #1 killer of hopes and dreams!!!!

 We have all experienced it. We planned to do something amazing, astronomically life changing. Maybe we wanted to lose weight, or plan for a trip, or finally go back to school. But a week, day or month goes by and next thing you know. we are still at square one feeling guilty. "where did the time go? when am I going to let this procrastination stop!" "how could I let this happen?" well the truth is. If you have been putting your goal off, you just weren't that into it. Read any of the biographies of some of the richest people in the world and you will see that they had one thing in common. FOCUS and DETERMINATION. They ate, slept and drank their goal, they were consumed by it. and they never stopped until it was accomplished. Soooooooooooo how much do you want it!!! the procrastination monster feeds of excuses, it loves terms like "I'm just to tired" "maybe tomorrow" "when I have time" this makes the procrastination ...

He is just not into you!

I know that sometimes rejection is a very hard blow to the ego but what is the use of being around a man that does not want you! you should never beat yourself up over a man that is not into you. 9 times out of 10. he was not worth it anyways. But don't get desperate, changing who you are, doing things that make you uncomfortable to keep him. None of it will make him want to keep you. If you are not sure if he is not into you here are some signs: 1. If he calls you late at night or only texts you most of the time 2.If he never takes you out and you are always at his house or vice- versa 3. You don't see him often only a couple of times a month and its only for sex. 4. You call him and he doesn't call you right away or you are always calling him. 5. If you go out, you are always paying. 6. He argues with you before holidays or you never get anything from him during the holidays There are plenty more but if you find yourself doing thin...
        How to deal with a selfish man! (is he worth the long haul?)   people in general are selfish beings. But men can be some of the most selfish people because if their ego. Do you notice that most books on dating cater to how women should woo a man? you never see a book for men on how to be a better husband, boyfriend or lover. Why is that? because with men its often a one-sided thing. You give so much of yourself, only to get crumbs. How do you know you are dealing with such a man? well here are the signs: 1. He never does what you want, he only does an activity where he would like it. 2. He never listens to  your needs, the more you talk about it, the more he ignores your pleas. 3. His problems are bigger than yours, if you have a problem he is not really concerned. but he expects you to be more concerned with his. 4.He isn't thoughtful, no flowers just because, or no love letters to you. 5.He wants sex his way, he is never c...

conceit, is not a dirty word

Conceit, is a dirty word in our society, it means to think that you are more than you are, but who is to say how  much you are? there is nothing wrong with loving yourself. Its only  a problem when you think you are the only great one in the world but to have a very high confidence is a wonderful thing. It makes you think about how crazy society is that, when a person boasts "I'm wonderful!' people turn their nose at them. But as soon as they say "I hate myself" everyone is ready to call Oprah and get the hankies out to console them. Now, if everyone had self esteem. the diet market would be out of business. makeup companies would go bankrupt. And movie and music stars would be at home dreaming to be something else. All of these business latch on to ones esteem in one way or another. What I'm saying to you is. NEVER feel bad to love something about yourself. if you have beautiful eyes. ,then dammit state so! if you have flawless skin, then say ...