Resources for a Regulating woman!
As the saying goes, knowledge is power and as the growing sisterhood we are becoming, I would like to share with you things that has helped me along my journey to greatness. We all need tools and encouragement so feel free to take a look, some may not be for you, but I'm sure you will find something to your liking. Books: Fat, broke and lonely no more by Victoria Moran Really loved this book it was really a good read and one of the best self help books I have ever read. The Rules, By Ellen Fein ans Sherrie Scheider This is the "what mamma used to tell you" type of advice, its ages old and it still works! very great tool for dating The Secret by Rhonda Burne It is very popular and encouraging to really affirm your dreams Websites: really gives tips on how to start conversation. expanding your circle is great. it not only gives you op...