It’s finally done! I’m so happy to be releasing my first book! It took me five years to write only because I was so busy with other things. However the next set of books will come out faster and better. I learned a lot on this journey of self publishing. I learned that formatting is a biotch! Lol. Already got a review! The formatting is not great and for that I apologize. It was hard to transfer it to kindle. Next time around it will be much better. I know to be meticulous this time around.
Anyways, you can preview the book. it’s at a reasonable price and I I’m currently creating 3 parent books to this one simultaneously that will help you once you get the relationship, marriage and possibly divorce (lets hope it does not get to that point, but if so, you will be prepared!!!!) I have a lot of projects in line and it only gets better  from here and I hope you like the upcoming work. I would like to thank all of you   for your comments both good and bad. Thanks for taking the time to read my blog, look at my tweets and YT vids. I could not have done any of this without you. All of you are my inspiration and I will strive to help you be the best that you can be. You are helping me fulfill my life’s purpose.  You are my lifeline THANK YOU!!!!
Link to the book:

with love,



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