So why are you beating yourself up?

It is a bad habit that people, especially women always put themselves down. And its not healthy to ones self image and well being. Do you realize that if you say things like "I'm fat" "I'm ugly" "I'm not as smart, hot, pretty as her" you are basically hypnotizing yourself to affirm the very things you say? if you really took the time to listen to each thought you have. You would be surprised to see how many of them are negative. At this time in your life, you might not be in the most lucrative job, you might be overweight, and you might feel less than. But you telling yourself this day in and day out is not the way to go! what progress are you gaining for yourself if you continue to say you are not the greatest and the best you can be! You have to be proactive. Its not a task for the weak, and no one says its going to be easy, but whatever you say about yourself, do the opposite. You don't feel pretty? Get a makeover. You hate your job? Devote at least 30 minutes to an hour a day working on your resume, and looking for a job. You think you are overweight? then go to a gym at least 3 times a week, and if you cannot afford it, then walk or Rollerblade in the park. You have powerful force in you. You are human! do  you realize there are people that are 4th degree black belts that are totally blind! there are people with no limbs that can climb mountains! in other words there are people that have less than  you in one way or another, but as a human they beat the odds. If they can do the impossible, so can you! don't ever doubt yourself! and never listen to other people tell you, you cannot or that you will not. If these people exist in your life, get rid of them! they are toxic! ( please look at my toxic friends post) life is hard, its hard for most. But don't feel that life gave you a bad hand, or you just feel you have bad luck. Like in the revolutionary book the secret "if you think about it, you will be about it" Its not just energy, you are literally hypnotizing yourself to believe you cannot, will not realize your dreams. Yes, you will not get instant results at first, but every journey begins with the first step, all you need to do is make your first step. Whatever your goal is, you will get to it one day. To make this possible, you need to have patience, a positive attitude and insurmountable focus. So all those things you think about yourself, is only true if you believe them, but believe you are strong, believer you great and beautiful. work on the things that Will make this true, and you will be! :)


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