Your perception and energy Is responsible for whether you have a healthy or unhealty dating life

Like I mentioned in my post about toxic friends. A lot of your success in dating is all about the energy you have in your life.  energy  influences you health, your mood and overall success in anything in life. It even goes as deep as you hypnotizing yourself to fail at everything. If you say to yourself "I'm not good, hot, pretty, smart, thin, enough to have a man" there are going to be things that you actually do to make that come to fruition.

 Home work assignment: I want you to consciously pay attention to what you think about and say during the day. Can you see how much negative stuff you say? complaining about being on line, how much you hate your co-worker, traffic, missing the bus/train. Take notice if you are ever grateful for the good things that happen in your day and in  your life.

"sticks and stones will break my bones, but words will never hurt me" when the truth is that words do hurt.

Our body is made up over 60% of water, A researcher by the name of doctor Emoto has gained worldwide acclaim through his groundbreaking research and discovery that water is deeply connected to our individual and collective consciousness.

Simply put. Words affect our mood, health and thus our overall well being. This simple experiment with rice further shows this point:

In turn you must think positive. Its important. If you think and say to yourself "I'm not pretty, no one will want me, I will be alone forever"ect. You will do things subconsciously to make these things true. Its just like driving or walking to a destination. At first you have to consciously say to yourself which direction to turn, how many blocks/miles to go. After awhile you do it without thinking. You know why? because you have program yourself to do so. You program you mind to do things and eventually its second nature. But if you can tell yourself how to get to a destination, can you also tell yourself how you will never succeed, how you are fat, and ugly? you will eat more. you will put on makeup wrong, you will do things to make sure what you say to yourself comes to fruition.

So say positive affirmations to yourself. Do it everyday. Even imagine where you want to be in life. Its a scientific fact that the brain cannot tell the difference between imagining and what is happening in real life. If you keep this up. You will program yourself to affirm the things you say. Just like trying to remember how to get to a destination. With practice, you will be what you think. And if you think positive, you will bring positive situations, and that right man in  your life


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