Dating timelines where are you at?

In the realm of dating there is a certain timeline that one should follow so they are up on the game. For some of us, it may be too late, for most, we may be right on time. But here is how it goes

16-22  testing the waters

At this stage, you should be getting you feet wet, having fun. testing out what you like in a guy. Nothing serious, just having fun and practicing in the dating game

22-25 Looking for potentials

here you are looking for who may be Mr right, still having fun, but really taking a serious approach as to who will be worth being with in the future. Time varies as you may grow apart or find men not up to par and have to start again

25-29 The tie down

You should be in an established relationship by now. Having spent at least 2 or three years seriously. Your families should know you both well, you have traveled together and now making plans to live together and get married

29-34 The union

Now you should be married. Having your first set of children, lived int and settled

34-40 The fork in the road

Marriage is still hopefully going strong, if not, a divorce  may have taken place. Hopefully you saved money as the years went by and you can live in a decent condo with the kids and you are working on yourself.

40- and on The partner till death

It's your time, the kids are a little older and more independent. Go ahead, get a makeover. Go back to school. If you are divorced, date again. Look for a guy that is cool and you know will be with you till the end. You best guy friend is good for this.  But hopefully you are still married and renewing vows.

Some will say why even put divorce in the equation? well I'm a realist and with over 60% of divorces in this country. Its a possibility.  But this would be the timeline according to dating. And throughout this timeline you should should try not to have any children, and save money, and finish school. Men should be part of the plan, but not the primary focus. I know some of us have done differently in this timeline. Is it over for you? never. Where ever you are in life. You can always improve yourself, go back to school, learn a language and more! let the young girls out there know that with this order. They will have a smoother transition in life.


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